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Dynasty Warriors


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  • Based on the popular Japanese series Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors 2 is the follow up the PSone title Dynasty Warriors from developers Koei.

    SPOnG.com 2010

  • Based on the popular Japanese series Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors 2 is the follow up the PSone title Dynasty Warriors from developers Koei.

    SPOnG.com 2010

  • Based on the popular Japanese series Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors 2 is the follow up the PSone title Dynasty Warriors from developers Koei.

    SPOnG.com 2010

  • Based on the popular Japanese series Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors 2 is the follow up the PSone title Dynasty Warriors from developers Koei.

    SPOnG.com 2010

  • Based on the popular Japanese series Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors 2 is the follow up the PSone title Dynasty Warriors from developers Koei.

    SPOnG.com 2010

  • Shin Sangoku Musou 5 (aka Dynasty Warriors 6) the latest game to see some handheld action.

    PSPHyper 2009

  • The merger created a joint holding company called Dynasty Warriors 6 PC Demo Is Go Dynasty Warriors 6 for the PC isn't scheduled for stores until November 18th, but those with a little bandwidth to spare can download a 320MB demo of the game today via the nice folks at rejected

    Kotaku 2009

  • If you liked KOEI's titles Dynasty Warriors or / and Samurai Warriors, then there are some really big chances that you will love this game, too, since it is a crossover of them - and it looks absolutely impressive.

    Softpedia News - Global 2008

  • If you liked KOEI's titles Dynasty Warriors or / and Samurai Warriors, then there are some really big chances that you will love this game, too, since it is a crossover of them - and it looks absolutely impressive.

    Softpedia News - Global 2008

  • If you liked KOEI's titles Dynasty Warriors or / and Samurai Warriors, then there are some really big chances that you will love this game, too, since it is a crossover of them - and it looks absolutely impressive.

    Softpedia News - Global 2008


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